how well so you know justin beiber?

Well this quiz is about how well you know yourself and justin beiber. I am joanna i go to Wilsonburg elemantry school in harrison county. justin beiber is coming to our school halloween party.

Are you right for justin beiber we dont know till you send an answer to the quiz you will get your scoreright after you quiz is done tell all you friends to go to my website at[no urls] i the right match for

Created by: joanna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is justins fave music?
  2. who is justin dating?
  3. what did justin beiber give his fan at a concert?
  4. what is justins dogs name?
  5. what is justins hobbies?
  6. what instrument does justin play?
  7. what is justins age?
  8. how many years old are you?
  9. how tall are you?
  10. how tall is justin?

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