How well rounded are you?

Many people sit around with nothing to do. Others have a crammed schedule with lots of things to do. Well rounded people organize their time wisely and spend it doing many things.

Are you well rounded? Take this quiz to predict how well rounded you are. Be sure to answer as honestly as you can for accurate results. Hope you enjoy!

Created by: cookies
  1. What type of grades do you have?
  2. Do you play a musical instrument?
  3. How many languages do you know?
  4. Do you play sports and if so, how many?
  5. Are you a kind person?
  6. Are you good with computers?
  7. Do you volunteer/do community service?
  8. Are you lazy?
  9. Are you involved in the arts? (Theatre, dance, painting, music, etc.)
  10. Are you organized?
  11. Do you win awards at school?
  12. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
  13. Do you take time to make wise descisions?
  14. Do you follow rules and do as you're told?
  15. Which do you do the most?
  16. Are you religious?
  17. Do you spend a lot of time alone or with family and friends?
  18. Are you a picky eater?
  19. Are you brave?
  20. Are you confident?
  21. Do you tell the truth?
  22. Is your schedule busy?
  23. Are you creative?

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Quiz topic: How well rounded am I?