How well do you really know Twilight?

Are you an official Twilighter? Find out in this 15 question quiz! How much do you REALLY THINK you know about Twilight? Enjoy this quiz, I spent a while making it for you guys!

ARE YOU really a for real Twilighter? Anyways, enough of all that. I hope you enjoy this 15 question quiz that I made especially for people who were really into Twilight as me!

Created by: Skylar
  1. Who plays Bella in Twilight?
  2. Who plays Edward in Twilight?
  3. What mythical creature is Edward and his family in Twilight?
  4. What mythical creature was Jacob, one of Bella's closest friends'?
  5. Were Werewolves and Vampires arch enemies in Twilight?
  6. In which Twilight movie did Edward leave Bella?
  7. What happened on Bella's first birthday with the Collens?
  8. Did Bella and Edward get married?
  9. Now here's a hard one, when is Bella's birthday?
  10. Did Rosalie and Bella become friends by the end of the movie series Twilight?
  11. Did Bella become a vampire?
  12. Did Bella have a baby?
  13. What was Edward's 'power'?
  14. Was Edward able to use his power on Bella?
  15. Finally, how many movies were there in the Twilight series?

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Quiz topic: How well do I really know Twilight?