How well do you know Thinknoodles?

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When you look up YouTube, you don't look at music or turtorials. You look up Thinknoodles, the best Youtuber ever! But have you ever wondered how well you know him?

Well, test your knowledge on some Noodle-tastic questions! All about Kevin, Dave, Kopi, and even naughty Fluffy. And how you answer is what you know. Choose wisely Noodlers.

Created by: Kaylee H
  1. In his Survival series, how did Naruko die?
  2. Which is not one of Think's series?
  3. What is Think's Wife's career?
  4. Which one of Think's Minions was in the Minions movie?
  5. Which is one of Think's YouTube friends?
  6. What are the names of Think's pet Tabby Cats on Noodle Planet?
  7. Where does Think live?
  8. What is the song at the end of Think's videos?
  9. What is the name of Think's real dog?
  10. What day did Think reach 1,000,000 subscribers on YouTube?
  11. What is one of Think's favorite foods?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Thinknoodles?