How well do you know the Outlaw Rockies

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The Rocky Mountains hold a celebrated place in the "wildest" West of both myth and reality, but nobody has ever documented the many sites associated with Colorado and Wyoming's notorious past. THE CRIME BUFF'S GUIDE TO THE OUTLAW ROCKIES now takes you on a time-traveling tour through the haunts of Butch Cassidy and his Wild Bunch, serial killer Ted Bundy, the Columbine massacre, and hundreds of the West's most lawless characters.

How well do you know the outlaw history of Colorado and Wyoming? Until now you could only wonder. Take this quiz and find out if you're an outlaw buff or just an outlaw buffoon!

Created by: franscellr
  1. In the 1890s, legendary outlaw Butch Cassidy formed the gang known as the Wild Bunch. From time to time, they hung out in:
  2. In 1977, serial killer Ted Bundy was about to stand trial for murdering a vacationing nurse when he escaped by jumping from the second story window of a courthouse in what Colorado town?
  3. In his seminal western novel "The Virginian," author Owen Wister describes the hero's final gunfight with bad guy Trampas "” the first "walk-down" in the history of western literature. This shootout takes place on the street in front of what real-life Wyoming hotel?
  4. On January 10, 1917, Buffalo Bill died at age 70 while visiting his sister's Denver home. An enormous controversy erupted: Where should the famous Wild West showman be buried? After all the fuss, he was buried:
  5. The worst of America's worst criminals are imprisoned in the Rockies. Built into a mountainside, Supermax prison is known as the "Alcatraz of the Rockies," a 37-acre federal complex festooned with motion detectors, 1,400 remote-controlled steel doors, laser beams, barbed wire fences, pressure pads and attack dogs where no single serious escape attempt has ever been made since it was built in 1994. Where is it?
  6. In 2003, the sports world was rocked when Los Angeles Lakers' superstar Kobe Bryant was accused of raping a 19-year-old hotel employee at Colorado's exclusive Lodge at Cordillera in Edwards. What was his room number?
  7. In 1874, a guide named Alfred (or Alferd) Packer allegedly killed and ate five companions while snowed in at a mountain camp high in the Rockies. The murderous man-eater, who reportedly later became a vegetarian, is memorialized with the "El Canibal" burrito served at:
  8. In 1903, infamous stock detective Tom Horn was hanged in Cheyenne, Wyoming, for the murder of 15-year-old Willie Nickell. Where was Horn buried?
  9. The childhood home of reality-TV star Duane Chapman -- better known as "Dog the Bounty Hunter" -- is in what Rocky Mountain city?
  10. The placid American heartland was stunned in January 1958 when a 19-year-old Nebraska kid named Charles Starkweather and his 15-year-old girlfriend Caril Fugate went on a week-long killing spree across two states. Starkweather was finally captured in Wyoming after a high-speed shootout that ended where?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Outlaw Rockies