How Well Do You Know The Legend Series? Marie Lu)

This series takes place in future America, where the USA has split into the Republic and the Colonies of America. June is the Republic's prodigy. Day is the Republic's most wanted criminal. They are opposites of eachother, yet they are so alike.

To me, The Legend Series is the best trilogy I have ever read. Ever. I know this series like the back of my hand! I know that I can't be the only goddy trot that has read this book series!

Created by: Emily
  1. What sector did Day grow up in?
  2. What happened to June's parents?
  3. What is Day's real name?
  4. June starts to hunt down Day because _?
  5. June and Day meet for the first time where?
  6. Who in Day's family got the plague?
  7. What score did Day get on his Trial?
  8. What did June score on her Trial?
  9. Who was killed by the firing squad in Day's place?
  10. Who helps June and Day escape Day's execution?
  11. How did Day meet Tess?
  12. June and Day go where to find the Patriots?
  13. When does Day first tell June he loves her?
  14. The Patriots fix Day's _?
  15. Razor is a Patriot leader, but can easily hide out in a luxurious apartment in a military base, how?
  16. June is purposely captured, who did Razor send after her?
  17. Day is supposed to _ Anden.
  18. What is June and Day's sign to eachother for "stop"?
  19. June gets sick when?
  20. When does Kaede die?
  21. Anden wants what?
  22. Who really killed Metias?
  23. Why does Day have an imperfection on his eye?
  24. Who kills Commander Jameson?
  25. Day loses what after he is shot?
  26. Why does June not tell Day who she is after he wakes up?
  27. Why is Day Day?
  28. Last Question- How does the story end?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know The Legend Series? Marie Lu)