How well do you know the book "A Wrinkle In Time"?

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Are you a huge fan of the book, like me? Do you always get Charles and Calvin confused (especially when they're in the same conversation), like me? 😁😁

Well, here's a quiz only about the book. It's trivia! Doesn't everyone like trivia? Yes, everyone does. So I made a trivia quiz on one of the greatest books of all time. Enjoy!

Created by: Weirdhead
  1. Towards the end, when Meg is about to go back to get Charles Wallace, what does Calvin do that she evidently likes?
  2. This is a little more difficult, as it may only be the edition I have that includes an interview with the author, but what was the original title of "A Wrinkle In Time"?
  3. Meg's twin brothers' names are _____ and ______.
  4. What helps Meg get into the column where her father is trapped?
  5. Mrs Whatsit used to be a _____
  6. What saves Charles Wallace and destroys IT?
  7. The planet on which they must go to save Meg's father is called ________
  8. IT is a _______.
  9. Mrs Which accidently sends the children to a ______ dimensional planet.
  10. What is the word that frightens Mrs. Murry during their first meeting with Mrs Whatsit?
  11. What is the word for the fifth dimension, wrinkling through planets?
  12. When they wrinkle, the real name for it is what?
  13. The Happy Medium shows Calvin his mother. What is Calvin's mother doing at that moment?
  14. The strange, unseeing, comforting beast is called what by Meg?
  15. Charles Wallace is the _______ of the children (when they are traveling with the Mrs W's, not in his immediate family.)
  16. How many children go with the Mrs W's?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the book "A Wrinkle In Time"?
