How well do you know Scoop?

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This is a quiz about the amazing Scoop, who is from OH NO! (im the OH NO! queen) and everybody knows me. Follow me on Instagram @OHNOqueen and on twitter @turretej11tay1:)

How well do YOU know Scoop?, well lets see, try this test and you shall soon find out. You may not even know Scoop or maybe your a genius, what ever you are just have a go

Created by: Turret
  1. Who is Scoop's bf?
  2. Scoop reads,
  3. What is the episode called when Scoop gets kidnaped and forced to work with Emperor Brainlius the III and Briiian on her tv show?
  4. Scoop loves,
  5. Her tv show is called,
  6. How old is Scoop?
  7. One of Scoops of other hobbies are,
  8. Before the brainlings took over, Scoop was the head of the School what?
  9. Scoop is a tad,
  10. Is Scoop cool?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Scoop?