How well do you know RWBY?

How well do you know RWBY? Will you be a noob or master? Take this quiz to find out if you even paid attention while watching. Good Luck and may your attention while watching be in your favor.

This quiz is only ten questions, simple questions that you will know that answer too if you ever watched the show and paid attention. Take this quiz to see how well you know that show RWBY.

Created by: Claire
  1. What is Blake's last name?
  2. Who is the Headmaster of Beacon?
  3. What is the order of the team that Nora is on?
  4. What is the order of team RWBY?
  5. What is Jaune's bully's name?
  6. What is the name of Ruby and Yang's dog?
  7. What is the song that plays in Weiss' Trailer?
  8. What is Yang's last name?
  9. What type of humor does Yang use?
  10. What is Yang's relation to Ruby?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know RWBY?