How well do you know One Direction?

If you are a should pass this test completely.I really know the true meaning of a true directioner. You can get the answers from ask .com, but that would be cheating.sorry!!!

I would say I am a true directioner because they are literally my screensaver,phone cover,and pass word.I am also known as Nialls sister:) OMG you have to tweet me about one direction @JHeart57

Created by: nanananora
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What r the names of the band members?
  2. What award did they win?(hint:they won it in Great Britan)
  3. Where does the band live?(hint:a member of the bands house)
  4. What is their top song?
  5. What is their top song?
  6. What is their favourite band song?
  7. Which is not a 1D song?
  8. Who is the oldest band member?
  9. Almost done!! :D what is the bands name?
  10. Why is the bands last names?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know One Direction?