how well do you know norse mythology

lots of people know about greek mythology but there is egyption mythology and like in this quiz norse mythology so prepare to see if you are good at norse

do you know norse mythology as well as greek mythology if you dont know greek mythology then pretend i didnt say that and just see if you know it well

Created by: bob
  1. what is the end of the world
  2. who is the god of mischief
  3. what is thors weapon
  4. what are three of the different giants
  5. witch is a norse monster
  6. what is a wolf headed man
  7. how do the berserkers become berserkers
  8. where do you go when you die in battle
  9. what is the norse form of dragons
  10. what is like a hell hound in norse myth

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Quiz topic: How well do I know norse mythology