a real greek mythology quiz

i have made a few quizes in my day and i took a few greek mythology quizes and they werent that impresive so i made another on please have fun thankyou

so do you know enough for one of my quizes if not stick to the other ones if you can then have fun you must be good like me (lol) have fun with the quiz

Created by: bob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. who is the king of the titans father
  2. manticores apear to be a mix of what creatures
  3. medusas blood is what
  4. who is the earth
  5. who is the earth
  6. what was the war between the titans and the gods called
  7. who was Kronos's wife
  8. what beast gaurds the underworld
  9. how many greek gods are there?
  10. are the greek gods aliens

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