How well do you know me?

there are plenty of people that know me but no one truely knows me...except best friends which are very rare to find ones that will stay true to you. take this quiz to find out what kind of friend you are to me!

Do YOU know me like a best friend would? or do you not know me at all...this quiz isnt hard....its all questions about me... which if you knew me would know that i keep things nice and simple. take the quiz and find out!

Created by: Alycia of Myspace
(your link here more info)
  1. Whats my nickname?
  2. Whats my favorite color?
  3. Whats my natural Haircolor?
  4. Whats my favorite fast food restaurant?
  5. Whats my moms name?
  6. Where was my first job?
  7. What Color is my room?
  8. whats my favorite food?
  9. Whats my middle name?
  10. Whats my ethnicity?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?