how well do you know me?

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This quiz is pretty hard so don't feel bad if you don't do well, in fact it might be better if you do poorly because then you will be learning new things about me.

This quiz is really extensive and I should have made the title say Ultimate how well do you know me quiz. anyway have fun, and here is a cheat; ayleen

Created by: wendee3O
  1. What is my real name?
  2. What is my flavor of music?
  3. What color is my hair?
  4. Which series of video games do I play?
  5. Night owl or early bird?
  6. What is my favorite subject in school?
  7. How tall am I currently?
  8. Marvel or D.C?
  9. What instrument do I play?
  10. Do I have any siblings? If so what gender & how many?
  11. How old am I currently? (2015)
  12. What is my favorite color?
  13. Do I have any pets?
  14. Do I take computer courses?
  15. What is my favorite comedy?
  16. Religion?
  17. Favorite novel?
  18. What state do I live in?
  19. What color are my eyes?
  20. What is my style?
  21. What was my childhood television program?
  22. What is my strongest affiliation?
  23. What is my middle name?
  24. What two mythological creatures am I obsessed with?
  25. Which of the following do I love the most?
  26. What hurts me the most?
  27. Last question, do I like astronomy?

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