How well do you know ME?

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Do you know me?Do you really know the REAL me?Do I have cake frosting on the side of my mouth?these questions can now be answered!(except that last question,lol)

Take the quiz, don't even have to know me,you can look at the answers at the end and get to know me.I hope you take the quiz,please with cake frosting on top?!

Created by: katqueen45
  1. What is my real first name?
  2. What is my real last name?
  3. How old am I?
  4. What color is my hair?
  5. Name one of my closest friends.
  6. QUICK WITHOUT LOOKING SAY THE NAME OF THIS WEBSITE!(if you get it wrong don't try and change it,please do it quickly)
  7. What is my favorite color?
  8. What is my favorite food?
  9. What grade am I in?
  10. Goodbye!(click the first one to get the right answer)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know ME?