how well do you know Markiplier?

Over 14 million people know who Markiplier is. Do you know him? PROVE IT! Take this quiz and find out how much you know about our friend, hero, and the other half of septiplier.

Over 14 million people know who Markiplier is. Do you know him? PROVE IT! Take this quiz and find out how much you know about our friend, hero, and the other half of septiplier. ;)

Created by: markiplier
  1. What is Marks full name?
  2. When was Mark born?
  3. What is Mark the king of?
  4. Where was Mark born?
  5. What is Marks favorite color?
  6. How old is Mark?
  7. Who is Marks best Youtuber friend?
  8. Where did Mark start YouTube?
  9. What was the first game Mark played on his channel
  10. How much do you love Mark?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Markiplier?