How well do you know k-pop band BTS?

Hello! Would you like to test your BTS knowledge? Well! You’ve come to an easier quiz. Only 10 questions to answer! I hope you’ve got your brain working!

3...2...1.... Go! This quiz will boost your knowledge of the famous k-pop group Bangtan Boys! Thank you for clicking this quiz! Good luck on these questions! (They are a little easier questions) Enjoy!!!

Created by: Sarina
  1. Whois the oldest member?
  2. Who suffered from depression after their (pre?)debut
  3. Who acts the most babyish in the group? (Hint: Born In 1995)
  4. Who is the god of destruction?
  5. Do you even like K-POP?
  6. Potato
  7. Who was the first and last member to join BTS?
  8. Who does the most covers in BTS?
  9. Almost the end!
  10. Who is the living mochi?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know k-pop band BTS?

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