How well do you know Justin Bieber?

This quiz is about Justin Bieber and how much you know about him. If you are a fan you should take this quiz.

I got all the answers from interviews that JUSTIN BIEBER SAID HIMSELF! So the answers are correct.

Created by: Nora
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is Justin's Birthday?
  2. What is Justin' favorite color?
  3. What is Justin's favorite TV show?
  4. What is Justin's favortie movie?
  5. What is Justin's best friend?
  6. What is Justin's favorite song?
  7. What is Justin's favorite vacation spot?
  8. Where was Justin Born?
  9. Where was Justin found?
  10. Who is Justin signed with?
  11. What pet does Justin have?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Justin Bieber?