How well do you know Homestuck? | Comments

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  • Shiiii-

    Sorry, Jade is introduced in Act 3, not Act 2! *facepalm* X/

  • This is good, but you got a few facts wrong.

    4. The answer should be None of the above. Feferi did try to stop Eridan and Sollux from fighting, but nonviolently. She is ignored by both Sollux and Eridan, and Eridan shoots and knocks out Sollux with his Hope wand. Feferi believes Sollux is dead and attacks Eridan in an attempt to avenge Sollux. Eridan shoots her through the stomach and kills her in self-defense.

    8. Jade lived with both her grandfather and Bec. When she is introduced in Act 2 her grandfather has been dead since she was young, leaving her to grow up with Bec.

    11. Vriska's ancestor is Marquise Spinneret Mindfang. Yes, I know that's her FLARP name, but she took her ancestor's name when she found Mindfang's journal. Aranea-who is a Dancestor, not an ancestor-is Mindfang's pre-scratch self.

    Other than those three questions, it was a very good quiz ^.^


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