How Well Do You Know Herbs? (Warrior Cats)

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Hello, this is a quiz about whether you are a pro, great, good, ok, meh and the worst med. The image that I'm using isn't mine, but she is name Wailing Wind the med.

Hopefully you got a good score! I have a few quizzes and why don't you check them out? CLS if you liked this! (Comment, Like & Share btw) I will make another quiz soon.

Created by: ~WarriorsQuiz#1~
  1. Hello!
  2. What med cat would you be?
  3. What does poppy seeds do? (Easy)
  4. Mouse bile is poisonous. (Pick Truth if Yes and Lie if No. Easy too)
  5. What does dock do?
  6. What helps with infections?
  7. I'm sleepy but I can't go to sleep. What do you do?
  8. What does yarrow do?
  9. Thyme – Calms anxiety and frayed nerves. What else calms you? (Hint, it was a question)
  10. Celandine & Chamomile sound the same but their uses are different. What do they do?
  11. When a queen is kitting what do you give her?
  12. What stops milk?
  13. What soothes aching joints?
  14. What does Burdock Root do? (Easy)
  15. What do you think you scored?
  16. Comment, like, & share! C. L. S.

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Herbs? (Warrior Cats)
