How well do you know Harry Potter?

I’m bored and decided to make a quiz so I’m just gonna spam sorry! Hrjsvevshsvshvejsvshdvskwhgshwhsvdjebhdvejdvehegehhegebbshdbdhdhdhsjsbjvsjswbhhvebb

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Created by: BoldNotCold
  1. What is the name of Harry’s godfather?
  2. Who does Harry name his son after? (Second born)
  3. What day was the battle of Hogwarts won?
  4. What forest are students not allowed into?
  5. Who did JK Rowling name Harry after?
  6. What did Bellatrix Lestrange write/engrave on Hermione’s arm in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1?
  7. In what book did Luna Lovegood make her first appearance
  8. Was Lily potter pregnant when Lord Voldemort killed her with the killing curse
  9. Who had a child with Lord Voldemort (I’ll give you a hint: she cheated on her husband to achieve this)
  10. What was/is Hermione’s worst fear?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Harry Potter?

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