How well do you know Harry Potter?

Some people may have heard of Harry Potter. But how well do they really know Harry Potter? If you want to know how well or how much you know or don't know about Harry Potter, then take my quiz and we'll find out.

Some people may have heard of Harry Potter. But how well do they really know Harry Potter? If you want to know how well or how much you know about Harry Potter, then take my quiz and we'll find out.

Created by: Catfish
  1. What was the last horcrux to be destroyed?
  2. In which book does Xenophilius Lovegood come in?
  3. What is Ron's patronus?
  4. What type of animal does Harry have and what is it's name?
  5. What is the book name for the first book in the UK?
  6. Who gets attacked by demantors over summer in book 5?
  7. Who is almost poisoned in Slughorn's office in book 6?
  8. In book 7, which room in Hogwarts is Harry and Luna caught and by who?
  9. Who controls the basilisk?
  10. Who was the prisoner of Azkaban?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Harry Potter?