How well do you know Geordie Shore?

Do you think you could be Geordie Shore genius? If yes, than what are you still waiting for! Go and do this quiz to find out if you are as good as you think.

Are you a Geordie Shore pro? Do you have the ability to score the highest scores? Thanks to this quiz you can find out if you are a Geordie genius or not!

Created by: Ven
  1. Who were the first geordies?
  2. What pets have been in Geordie house?
  3. What is the hardest graft James has ever done?
  4. Where was the first Geordie house?
  5. Where was season 3 filmed?
  6. What is parsnip?
  7. Who got engaged during season 3?
  8. What is the "dream team"?
  9. Who was the boss when they were in Australia?
  10. Who left the series after season 1?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Geordie Shore?