How well do you know death metal

Most people have probably heard the phrase "death metal" at least once in their life. However, few people actually enjoy it. Even fewer people have an esteemed knowledge on the genre.

Now's your chance to see if you know a bunch of random facts somewhat pertaining to death metal! Are you a tr00 kvlt metalhead warrior? Probably not. But it's possible. You'll never know if you don't take this quiz!

Created by: Bim Hiffletork
  1. Who is the lead singer of Cannibal Corpse?
  2. Chuck Schuldiner, lead singer of the band Death, started fronting a side-project, which eventually became his main musical focus. What was the name of this band?
  3. Which one of these bands is NOT considered to be death metal?
  4. Which of these is NOT a sub-genre of death metal?
  5. Which is a characteristic NOT commonly seen in death metal music?
  6. Which of these is a Christian death metal band?
  7. Why might the band Slayer not be considered death metal?
  8. Where does the band Carcass originate?
  9. What is the main lyrical focus of the band Cattle Decapitation?
  10. When was the band Pestilence formed?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know death metal