How well do you know about eating healthy?

There are many smart people in the world, but are you one of them? Knowledge is extremely important. I know lots of kids don't like school, but you are learning stuff very important.

Are you healthy? Do you eat fruits and vegetables? Do you eat grains (corn, etc.)? If you do, then you must be very healthy. Keep on eating those healthy foods!

Created by: Madeline

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which food is best to eat?
  2. Is meat healthy for you?
  3. If you eat fruits and veggies for the rest of your life, will you get sick?
  4. Which food is worst to eat out of meat, fruits and veggies, ice cream, and cheese?
  5. I know every kid likes ice cream, but is it healthy?
  6. Some kids don't like broccoli. But is it...
  7. Are tomatoes a fruit, vegetable, or grain?
  8. Is corn a fruit, vegetable, or grain?
  9. If you eat unhealthy foods, can it make you severely sick?
  10. Is it OK to eat unhealthy foods sometimes?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know about eating healthy?