how well do ya know jen??

hey uummm pretty much the reason i made this quiz was because i was very very bored.. and altho i prob should have been in bed at the time.. i wasnt =P

it is just a quiz of random questions to see what bits and pieces you all know about me.. hope you enjoy and get the result you're after.. if there is one =P

Created by: jen
  1. what is my fav sport to watch?
  2. What body part would i get a tattoo on?
  3. What color are my eyes?
  4. What did i want to be when i was younger?
  5. What is my dream car?
  6. Who is my fav Disney character?
  7. Would i go bungee jumping?
  8. Who is my fav band/singer?
  9. What would be the perfect present for me?
  10. What instruments do i play?

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