how well do u know pete wentz?

There are alot of pete wentz fans but are u a big enough fan to take this quiz??u need to no some fact about hiss life to to do this quiz. and a few band facts

do you have the knowlage to take this quiz and prove that you are a true fan of pete wentz's works take the quiz and find out for your self to see if you really are a big pete wentz fan .

Created by: Leanne
  1. When was pete wentz born
  2. What is pete wentz full name?
  3. What is Pete Wentz film producton company called?
  4. in a attempt to commit suicide wat did pete used to apperently try and kill him self?
  5. in what american tv show did pete wentz play a small role in as him self
  6. In what film clip did Pete wentz make fun of the nude pics of him self on the internet
  7. What the namee of the book pete wrote based on nightmares he had as a child
  8. How many bands was pete in, in the late 90's
  9. in wat year was Fall Out Boy Co-Founded by pete wentz in?
  10. in wat year did pete wentz ggraduate from high skool
  11. how old is pete wentz

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