How to get a girl

do you LOVE her with all your heart? beacause if you dont you need this quiz .if you think you know how to treat your girl or how to get one you need this quiz my advice is spot on i think girls would want you to hug them not slap them thats wrong! and i hope no one ever does that, if you truly deeply know you love her you should follow your heart be a good lover dont be a jerk.

if (god knows why)you treat your girl bad you NEED this quiz because girls are like flowers need water when they dont get it they wilt the same concept. girls need love and if they dont get it they beacome deppressed and you dont want that.

Created by: oNE ®AnDOm düdE

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If a girl you like is alone and looks sad you...
  2. if a girl you like drops her books you...
  3. if you ask a girl out your first time you go to...
  4. when your around a girl you act..
  5. if a girl says she loves you, you...
  6. if its her birthday what do you get her...
  7. if you love a girl you should...
  8. if she needs a hug you...
  9. if she wants you to come to her house you...
  10. if your at her house you...
  11. if you see her crying you should...
  12. if you accidentily insult her without knowing until shes upset you...
  13. if she is being taunted buy a jerk you should...
  14. if she likes you but she dosent want to date you...
  15. do you think you love her with all your heart???

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