How to Administer a Sound Spanking

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Spanking a child is a very important matter and not something to be taken lightly. Take this quiz to see if you are spanking either too lightly or not hard enough.

Spanking a child is a very important matter and not something to be taken lightly. Take this quiz to see if you are spanking either too lightly or not hard enough.

Created by: HowIsItSo

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  1. With what should you spank?
  2. In what position should the child be before administering a spanking?
  3. How many swats should you administer
  4. During the spanking, in what position should the child pants be?
  5. After a spanking, what should you do for your child?
  6. At what age, must you stop spanking in the U.S.
  7. What is about the frequency your child should receive spankings?
  8. When should you begin spanking?
  9. Should humiliation be a factor in a sound spanking?
  10. Research Question: Were you spanked growing up?

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