How TEXAS are you?

Well I am really tired of people trying 2 act like they know what texas people are about, so I decided 2 take it upon myself to make a quiz that signified Texas people.

Are u really from texas or are you telling a story. Texas doesn't like people who lie. So dont make any mistakes!If you are confused about somethings. just come and ask I'm not afraid to share my knowledge with you!

Created by: pandora
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do u knw wat fraudin' mean?
  2. do u knw wat cowtippin' is?
  3. is texas da biggest state in da U.S.?
  4. does texas hv big cities?
  5. wat part of T.X. u 4rm
  6. Wat part of texas is pandora 4rm?
  7. is everyone in texas raised on a farm?
  8. is texas da #1 state in da U.S.?
  9. How many ppl 4rm T.X. u knw?
  10. do we hv cowboys?

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Quiz topic: How TEXAS am I?