How strong are you?

Take this quiz to see If you are as strong as you think you are and see if you are a Iron Man, Middle of the Road Man, Or Weak Man. Answer Honestly and Good Luck To You.

You think your so tough? Then Take this quiz to find out if all your talking about tough is just lying or if you are actually as tough as you think that you are.

Created by: ArmyOfficer
  1. How often do you work out?
  2. Drop, give me as many as you can do (Push-Ups) How many did you do?
  3. Do Pull-Ups, How many did you do?
  4. Do Jumping Jacks, When did you stop?
  5. Do you have big mussels? (Do Not Lie)
  6. Do you want to become stronger?
  7. Did you know wrestling moves?
  8. Does anyone ever tell you that you are strong?
  9. Why Did you take this quiz?
  10. Do You think you will do good?

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Quiz topic: How strong am I?