How skilled are you?

So you think you have the skills to survive a world crisis? Well there is a good chancd you dont and this test will see who is right and how well you would do!

A test of your abilitys, a test of your street smarts, a test of your education, a test of your skills! How long could you survive a world crisis? Probably not as long as you think.

Created by: Tucker
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If a girzzly bear was charging you would you:
  2. What is your weapon of choice for fighting off 25 civilians in the woods armed with knives
  3. If 100 military soldiers ocupied your house during a major economics collapse would you:
  4. What would you do to avoid being taken to a FEMA camp?
  5. If the government came to your house to take all your guns (if you had any) would you:
  6. In a civil war would you:
  7. If you were running away from ten crazy phsycos with knives chasing you off a 60 foot cliff would you:
  8. In a crissis would you:
  9. In an anarchy situation who would you trust
  10. Would you risk your life to save others?
  11. Who do you trust the most?
  12. Did bush do 9/11?
  13. Does the new world order exist?
  14. How long do you think you would last in a world crisis?

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Quiz topic: How skilled am I?