How should you style your room?

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I don't know if anybody even reads this but... This quiz tells you how you should style your room! There are 12 questions and its going to be really helpful and fun for you to take this quiz!!

I hope that you have lots of fun taking this quiz!! I put a lot of effort into making it so good luck with your quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you at the end!!!!!!

Created by: Jenaya
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What are you most likely to wear.
  3. What color of lipstick would you wear?
  4. What kind of pet would you like to own?
  5. What color are you nails right now?
  6. Are you afraid of mice?
  7. Do you wear makeup?
  8. What is the main color of all your clothes?
  9. What website do you use most?
  10. Okay last question... Whats your favorite season?

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Quiz topic: How should I style my room?