how romantic are you?

Do you want to know how romantic are you?Do you want to know how smoochy this quiz could be?take the quiz and find out about your destiny.hint choose rose.

I'm a harry potter fan so some of the questions I used some of the idea Because I have no ideas so sorry if some of the questions are a bit familiar .I know I'm strange.

Created by: clarey curly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you received a flower.What type would the flower be?
  2. If you get a box of chocolate in your has a note stuck on it.the note said:from... To*your name*.who do you think send you the box of chocolate?
  3. you walk past a strange picture 3 opened and inside three cups laid still.You need to drink one.which one will you choose?
  4. you and your crush touch the same object at the same time.what do you do?
  5. you saw a cute little seal in a basket in your front garden.It had a note stuck to its basket.the note said:Give this seal to a person or you will get kill.what do you do?
  6. do you want to sex your crush?
  7. what is your Favorite color?choose one of the answer from the list.
  8. what number are you born on?
  9. do you like harry potter?
  10. Do you like sexy girls and boys?

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Quiz topic: How romantic am I?