How popular are you REALLY at school

Are you popular? Take this quiz to find out. If not, it'll tell you what else you are! Go on! Give it a real good go but, be HONEST. Life won't get you anywhere without honesty!

Thanks to this great quiz, you can find out what type of person you are at school just with the touch (or type) of your fingertips without having to travel and pay for a person to tell you!

Created by: Ella
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do boys react around you? BE HONEST!
  2. What type of clothes do you wear?
  3. Where do you sit at the cafeteria?
  4. What do you do during breaks?
  5. What's the most necessary thing to have at school?
  6. You have a HUGE test tomorrow, you:
  7. Which of these choices best describes you?
  8. Are you spoiled?
  9. Pick some shoes
  10. Do you have siblings

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Quiz topic: How popular am I REALLY at school