Are you popular?

There are a lot of people out there in the world who class themselves as popular. But what does the word popular mean. Popular means liked or admired by many people or by a particular person or group.

Are you really popular? You could only wonder until now. Thanks to this magnificent quiz you could find out the truth! Be honest in the answers, for an honest result!

Created by: Aliya_Iqbal
  1. Do you care about your appearance?
  2. Do you play a sport for a team?
  3. What is your friend circle?
  4. What do you in your free time?
  5. Do anyone ever compliment your artistic skills?
  6. So anyone ever compliment your intelligence?
  7. Do people tease you?
  8. Does anyone stare at you?
  9. When making an achievement what sort of applause do you get?
  10. Do you think you are popular?

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Quiz topic: Am I popular?