How Northwoods are you?

This quiz in only designed to see how much of a Northoods person you are. Thats it, nothing more. (Thats Northern Wisconsin for those of you that dont know nothing)

Are you a total Northwoods junky? or are you an urbanite from far far away? Do you have the survival skills to live in the north? Take the quiz and find out.

Created by: William
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is a cheese head?
  2. The capitol of Wisconsin is
  3. If you were lost in the woods...
  4. Mid November is
  5. Besides cheese, we are famous in the Northwoods for
  6. year Wisconsin became a state
  7. Ice fishing is
  8. I have drove drunk more than once
  9. Cell Phones
  10. skeetching is

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Quiz topic: How Northwoods am I?