How nice you really are

There are nice shy and mean people out there. Some people hope to be nice. Well if you want to know the real truth take my quiz. Hopefully its not hateful to you! PLEASE COMMENT AND RATE!

Are you nice,shy,or MEAN? Some people are curious like me! So please take my quiz it would mean a lot to me! Make sure to comment and rate! Thanks! Bye!

Created by: sophie
  1. When you see someone crying in the hallway of your school you:
  2. Someone new came to your classroom do you greet them?
  3. You greet someone like:
  4. When someone cooked dinner for you do you say thank you?
  5. Do you usually make new friends every day?
  6. Do you use your manners?
  7. Do you like me?
  8. Are you:
  9. Please rate and comment on my quiz thanks!
  10. Almost done

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