How nice are you?

There are many nice people, but few truly nice. Nice is, after all, quite exceptional. What is a nice person? A nice person is someone who helps other people and animals.

Are YOU nice? Have you got that NICE factor?! Take this quiz to find out!!! This quiz is designed to tell you how nice you really are. I hope you score highly!

Created by: Amy
  1. When someone is sick, do you
  2. When someone is hurt, do you
  3. When you like someone's clothes do you
  4. When you like someone's hair do you
  5. On people's birthdays do you
  6. At little kids parties do you
  7. At parties do you
  8. When you walk past people in the street do you
  9. When you see a teacher struggling you
  10. When you find $2 do you

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Quiz topic: How nice am I?