how nice are you? | Comments

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  • Haha nicers lol sweet. And it's spelled drain not drane. Sorry, I tend to do that a lot, I have some OCD. And I'm only mean in one class, and that's band. And if you had that class then trust me, you would be mean too. The teacher makes fun of EVERYBODY. He's even made a girl cry. And I'M the only one that's actuay stood up for myself and everyone that he picks on. He was making fun of this one girl that wasn't there and saying how the band is better off without her. So I said, "Well that's mean". And he like half mumbled this, but enough for me to hear it. He said, "Well you should know, Davis, because your good at being that." and that made me really mad and I almost said something back but I decided to keep my mouth shut. And before that, he wasn't calling me by my right name. My name is Megan and he kept on saying it like me-gan. (two separate words). And say he asked me a question on some Italian word but he said, "Me-gan, do you know what it is?" I said, "Don't call me that and no I don't." so he makes fun of me in front of the whole class and then after class, he comes up to me and says that I have a bad attitude. He makes me wanna punch him right in the face and smash his head against the wall, multiple times.

    Well, anyways, awesome quiz XD

  • please just be a little tiny bit nicer i mean you are almost there cause you ar enot a total jerk but just a little tiny bit..good job

    You kind of cracked me up at "just a little tiny bit," but it was overall a pretty good quiz.

  • Actually, I didn't finish it.. XD

  • 67% D: Now I don't think that was very nice... Oh, I'm just kidding! Great quiz! :D


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