How much you know about my PC Specs

SO I don't know what to type here so ill bassicly just type random skit, I have a life and I need a grandmother to die with and I love my life with 9271 diamonds!!!

SO I don't know what to type here so ill bassicly just type random skit, I have amom I need healing with 2902838135812 diamonfsas in minecraftoooh yesss momn

Created by: Luke
  1. !1: How much ram do I have on my PC?
  2. What windows do I use?
  3. What system type I use?
  4. What is my processor?
  5. Do I have Pen & Touch?
  6. What is my computer name
  7. Is my PC's a workgroup?
  8. Is my windows'ses Activated?
  9. Do I play games that are using my USB?

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