How much of a TWILIGHT fan are you???

There are some people who watch twilight movies, but some don't.... you may be a twilight fan but some other people may not be.... this quiz is just about twilight

Do you think your so smart and know so much about twilight? are you a twilight fan? well then come take this quiz and see if you got the guts to try it out

Created by: alice
  1. What is Bella's last name in the movie???
  2. In breaking Dawn, does Bella turn into a vampire???
  3. What is Edward's last name in the movie???
  4. In the movie, who see's Bella's future???
  5. What does Bella find out when she is pregnant in Breaking Dawn 2 ???
  6. What does Bella name her daughter???
  7. Why does Bella drink blood in breaking dawn 1???
  8. What is Bella's real name???
  9. When is Bella's birthday in real life???
  10. How old is Bella in real life???

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Quiz topic: How much of a TWILIGHT fan am I???