How Much of a MetalHead are you?

are you a metal head. do you listen to brulat lyrics and awsome guitar riffs. well if you do try this test and we will see who is the metal head around here.

try this test and see if you are a true metal head 666. if you can complete this test you will see who is a true metal head and who can truely say HORNS UP!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Al
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you Enjoy Moshing?
  2. What Instrament to you play?
  3. what genre of metal do you listen to?
  4. How do (or would) you play guitar?
  5. how many metal bands do you know?
  6. What would you name be if you were in a death metal band?
  7. If you were making lyrics what would they be like?
  8. What would you do if some one made fun of your music?
  9. what if your favorite drink?
  10. what did you think of this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Much of a MetalHead am I?