How much of a gamer are u?

Good gamers only come once in a while. what is a gamer..... you'll find out and now i am typing because this stupid quiz is making me.and i still have to type and type and type and type and type and type

Are u a gamer if not get out. will u just the take the quiz already i would like to no your results so contact me at and i will comment on your score or i will just delete the message

Created by: Bob Clark

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When did PS3 come out?
  2. How many usb ports does the PS3 have
  3. What coporation made Xbox 360
  4. What is the best game for Xbox 360
  5. What game has a demo call Wii Sports
  6. How much memory does the $600 ps3 have
  7. How many levels of difficulties are there on rainbow six vegas
  8. What does ps3 stand for
  9. which systems have wi-fi built into them
  10. in oblivion how many guilds are there

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