How much of a cheater are you?

Welcome to the Private Investigators quiz. If you read our blog post it is because you may be scared that your partner is cheating on you, but have you thought about how much of a cheater YOU are?

Take the quiz and check out your result, maybe you will find out things that you didn't even know about your self. Remember: try to be honest! The quiz is only for you to see.

Created by: PrivateInv of Private Investigators Inc.
(your link here more info)
  1. How do you act when someone attractive flirts with you while your partner is away?
  2. Have you ever cheated in the past?
  3. If you learned that your partner was cheating, would that end the relationship?
  4. How do you define "Cheating"?
  5. Have you ever dated more than one person at the same time?
  6. Do you hide texts or all calls from your partner?
  7. Do you think about other men or women besides your lover in a physical way?
  8. Do you think negatively when it comes to you and your partner's future together?
  9. Are you an honest person when in a relationship?
  10. Did you lie during this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How much of a cheater am I?
