How much like Ziva (ncis) are you?

The world is full of many different people, some are similar, but none the same. There are many people you can be similar to, but is Ziva David one of them?

Could you pass for one of the Ziva-like people out there? Until now, you probably didn't wonder, but I guess you'll soon find out. So, good luck and I hope you enjoy it.

Created by: Name
  1. First of all, do you know who Ziva is?
  2. What is your hair color?
  3. What type of clothes do you wear?
  4. How do you usually wear your hair?
  5. Do you wear makeup?
  6. How's your driving?
  7. Are you tough?
  8. Are family and loved ones important to you?
  9. Are you afraid of guys?
  10. Do people ever have trouble understanding you because you're introverted or don't like to express emotions?
  11. Are you good with your weapons?
  12. Do you think Ziva is cool?
  13. Was this quiz pretty good?

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Quiz topic: How much like Ziva (ncis) am I?