How much like me are you?

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This is a quiz to see how much we are alike weather it be a tiny bit or a lot I hope you enjoy the quiz and have a nice day OwO. . ...................

Plz ignore this bottom paragraph i need to make 2 for some reason but I don’t have much to say so just ignore this all it is is random text turkey sailboat toast peanut butter

Created by: Phobia turkey
  1. What color are your eyes?
  2. Are you random?
  3. Around the age of...
  4. Which of these words sounds the nicest?
  5. Mental disorders? Mental illnesses?
  6. Have you ever broken/fractured a bone
  7. Which of these animals is your favorite?
  8. Fav language? ((Not including the one you were raised to speak in))
  9. Do you play games?
  10. Favorite genre of book
  11. Opinion on Zelda games?
  12. Have you ever fell in love?
  13. Opinion on religion?

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Quiz topic: How much like me am I?

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