How much in love are you with him?

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I fell for a boy at college. His name was Matthew. I wasn't sure whether or not I was in love with him. I took a few tests and 90% of them came out positive. From that, I was inspired to make this quiz.

My name is Danielle Shackleford. I am here to help you determine whether you are in love with someone... of male gender. This quiz may not come out with 100% exact results, so please pardon me if you think your result is bad.

Created by: Kitty01
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you catch each other's glances, you...?
  2. If he were to ask you out, your most likely reaction would be...?
  3. Are you able to talk to him when your friends are present?
  4. Have you given him your mobile number?
  5. Have you given him your home phone number?
  6. What makes him attractive?
  7. How, or where, did you meet him?
  8. Has he ever talked to you about his exes?
  9. Your most romantic date with him would be...?
  10. Do you have any sexual fantasies about him?
  11. Does your heart skip a beat when you both have eye contact?
  12. Have you ever invited him to one of your best friend's parties?
  13. Do you constantly talk to your family members about him on weekends?

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Quiz topic: How much in love am I with him?