How Much Does God Love You? | Comments

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  • I was born with many mental disabilities. I have struggled with undiagnosed OCD for more than 15 years. My mother did drugs and drank (I think) When she was pregnant with me. I heard stories about her - I was supposed to see her every weekend, acquired by the court, but she barely ever sees me. She has barely paid any child support and always makes up excuses as to why she can't come and see me.

    How do I forgive this woman? I ask for your suggestions. It is not easy for me to forgive someone who has mistreated me my whole life. Please...

  • I got 100% but I am not sure if it is true because I prayed but my prayer never got answered I keep hearing voices from Satan trying to get me to sin and I am afraid to go to hell

  • This " quiz " fails from the outset with question one. So, you don't go to Church and that's because you hate God and religion? Nonsense. As for the hypocritical Apologists here bending thought processes in defence of God, some even attacking people for personal views ( fascism ). Grow up. GOD is real but he is an evil, manipulative self serving b------. All powerful AND all loving? Think about that. That is impossible. Try logic dummies, God us real, but he is fed up with his fairground goldfish. ( THATS US! ) OH and could the sanctimonious clowns making comments to ingratiate themselves, just shut the duck up. God knows YOU are a liar.

    Stan Dandeliver
  • I'm Bi he definitely hates me :(

  • No, I am NOT loved by God ! These questions have NOTHING to do with God loving you ! I've had 64 years of s--- & shoved in it, is that God loving me ? I prayed & prayed, for DECADES, for one 'blessing' only to ignored & things got worse !! Is this how God 'loves' us ? Making life, every day, more stressful ? Not caring how many tears I shed ? Not caring if I have a roof over my head ? Not caring to answer the simplest of prayers ?

  • God loves you no matter what theres nothing you can do to separate hes love from you. God could never hate you he might be disappointed in you because he knows your heart and the plans he has for you so just ask for forgiveness and say you repent for all your sins. God loves you no matter what I promise. And remember every lost every suffering and pan all happens for a reason just keep your eyes out to God and hell never fall you

    • Now you are a believer in spirit. A decent person it seems. I will never see you.

      Stan Dandeliver
  • When I turned 13 years old my oldest brother became a alcoholic and brutality beat me. He is now in a restraining order since then. I turned 14 years old and my friends from middle school committed suicide I lost the only 8 people that cared about me started high school and my birthmother decided to become a bully she hacked my Facebook account and tried to make me look bad she had smear campaigns attack me. I turned 15 my cousin juriah died from fatally overdosing started 10th grade and all of my good friends had left I was alone I prayed to god to help me escape from the miserable situation I was already put in my grandparents had marital issues and lashed out at me. Age 16 4 internet pedophiles attacked me online named Magic clone 2005,CollabVM, Richard clark,Jazzie mcclone. The bullying at my school got worse and my grades started dropping and so has my happyniess. At the age 17 I started cutting myself. I had a mental breakdown and I said so many horrible things to god for abandoning me he won't forgive me and I won't ever trust the lord after all I've been through. Age 18 I'm nothing but a failing s---ty high school student who no one loves or cared about I'm entirely alone my only family was taken away from me and my biological family hates me God and Jesus don't love me He has proved himself that he does not love me. I am angry at them for putting me through all of this for nothing.

  • No matter your score, God still loves you! There is NOTHING that can stop God from loving us. Some people in the comments have had a bad past, but don't focus on that! Jesus is always with us in the present. Yes, we are sinners, but he still loves us. Accept him, embrace him and be in his presence. He is a loving God, and he is more powerful. We do not deserve his love, but his love is who he is. Jesus went through how we feel (ex: abandonment, sadness, depression, anger, etc.). When you pray to him, he understands. He wants to heal us! He wants to hug us! He died for our sins! He didn't want Heaven without us! God has done so much for me, and he can do amazing things in your life too!

    Sending prayers! God bless!

    • Well, I'm glad God loves you. I've given up, after 64 years its pretty obvious who he DOESN'T CARE ABOUT !

  • I am lesbian. But I know God Loves me!

  • I was born with a disability. I have had 36 operations. My mom passed away when I was 12. Then for 2 tears straight, everyone I loved was taken from me through death. At age 21 my dad died after being married to a horrible woman who took everything even that left to ke by my dad. I have struggled through life. I went to college, got my degree, was successful in my job. Got a new position where my boss was intolerant, she had me discharged. A week later I suffered a TIA and required 2 surgeries. I can no longer work full time & have since retired. I have raised a foster child I loved. I was in a bad relationship for 39 years with an alcoholic. I have no connection with my sisters, their choice not mine. I lost my home due to foreclosure. I now struggle every day to make ends meet. All my close friends are well to do. Hoses, trips, cars, love and I have nothing. God does hate me although I try to be a good person. God to me is vindictive, to sacrifice his son to save us. Seems a tad extreme. How can he make his son suffer and then we still suffer?

    • God does NOT hate you! He loves you so much that he sent his son to die for our sins! Accept Christ, for he will bring you peace and joy. Christ is the way, and he has a plan for you. Trust me, God has done so much for me, and he can too. His love is so strong, sister. He loves you so much! You were created in his image, and you AREN'T a mistake. Jesus knew he would have to suffer the pain, but he still did it for US! He suffered, and we still suffer. There will be trials and hard times, but God can bring you through it. Have faith, trust him, love him, and hold on to him. Jesus will get you through it! I'm praying for you!

      God bless!

    • God hates me too and I am angry with him I'm probably going to go all kratos on his ass for hurting me and everyone else who he made suffer.


    • God loves you but seems like your going to hell because no matter how many times you sin against him he loves and forgives you and is never angry with you so you should be ashamed of yourself. You should never cuss in front of him so think before you speak.

    • Justin Craighead? Are you sure it's not Justin Dickhead? Who do you think you are to pass such judgement? Do you think God will appreciate YOU passing judgement on his behalf? You, sunshine, are the very type of sanctimonious clown I refer to in my original post. I may be the Fallen, but at least I am honest. Your victim in your response, will NOT come to Hell, but your room is booked. You cruel person.

      Stan Dandeliver
    • "God to me is vindictive, to sacrifice his son to save us. Seems a tad extreme. How can he make his son suffer and then we still suffer?"

      God IS NOT VINDICTIVE!!!!!!!!! God is love. It's just that he is really busy and all that (since he is the creater and the judgement). God's son and our suffer is because of Satan and sins.

  • As a child I was beaten by my stepfather with a nightstick and made to live in the basement while they lived upstairs. My mother would call me with a plate of food like I was a dog she was feeding. I was kicked out at age 9. I was cheated on by my 1st wife while in Desert Storm. My 2nd wife hates me. My children hate me. I've been layed off from jobs more times than I can count. About to go into foreclosure again. I'm alone as I have been all my life. I pray for my turn to die but God sees fit for me to continue this life sentance. I have no purpose. GOD HATES ME!!!

    • I'm sure that is not true! You are loved! !

    • Joe. Odd coming from me, but stupid as it reads, don't give up. Yes, you have suffered, likely at the Hands of God, but He is not the end. Do you know who to have faith in? You. I may be known as the Father of Lies, but that is from the one who gave me my job description. You will survive, and flourish.

      Stan Dandeliver
    • Youre still alive, arent you, Stan?

      Your life has been nothing but a test, or so you make it seem, and right now, you seem to be failing it. Lift up your head to Yahweh and exclaim all of your troubles. I dont care if youve already done it; do it again.

      I would say Go to Hell, but its not my decision to make. Its Yahwehs.

      After all that hes done for you, you treat him like garbage.

      I love you, and I hope you repent.
      -A child, wiser than you.

      Haley Jones
    • So sorry you went through such abuse but I don't think it was God, because God is love. I believe SATAN DID THIS TO YOU!!!!!!!!

      Bible verse:

      "for god so loved the world that he gave his only son... whoever believed in him shall not perish but enter ever lasting life" -John 3:16

  • Jesus christ love rules forever more,and there power in the of Jesus Christ he my best friend I will always love him forever

  • Jesus Christ rules,he will always be might king and there's power in the name jesus Christ!!!!I love jesus always and forever

  • You are 100% loved by God!

    No matter what the score says,God loves you no matter what you have done in life. No matter how many times you have sinned, or how many times that you have lost faith in Him. You were made in God's image. We all were! God sent his one and only son, Jesus Christ, to earth to die so that peoples' sins can be forgiven. Christ is the only way you will get to heaven. He felt the pain and hurt, but he knew he had to do this. Maybe you do not know where you are going after you die... Heaven, or Hell? If you want to be sure, then pray... "God, I believe that you sent your son, Jesus Christ, to die for me, so that my sins could be forgiven and that I can be saved. I know I am a sinner. I know that the only person who has ever walked on the earth without sin is Jesus Christ. God, I am going to accept Jesus, and I am going to live for you. God I thank you. Amen." If you have accepted Christ as your personal savior, you are guaranteed to go to heaven. But still, you have to live to God. If you deny him in front of your friends, you will be denied before Him. The only time when it is too late for you is when you die. It can happen one second from now, or tomorrow, next week, or fifty years from now. Whether you like it or not, it will happen. You have to be ready! Stand firm in Christ!

    Elory Chihuahua
    • Really? You believe that? Then why is there a need for Hell. When will you people learn, every coin had two sides.

      Stan Dandeliver
  • If you want the at yahoo same name.

  • I was raised as an Episcopalian. But learned there is no "old man who lives in the sky and grants wishes", as most religions believe. As WinterNight might agree, there is a Force that exists, but it's sentience is larger than human comprehension, hence the myth of God as a "Being" for most of man's religious traditions. God is not a "Being", it is prime Force - a dual pole singularity beyond full comprehension. I began my theosophic and metaphysical journey many years ago, starting with a comparative study of all religions back in college. Yes, like WinterNight I held Wiccan beliefs for a few years, then went deeper, and became an ADEPT. I didn't intend to wind up there, I just wanted answers that my soul had, that most religions could not answer to the satisfaction of my inner being. There are no good or bad religions. Yes I am a practicing Witch in several traditions. Luciferianism has a few concepts I like. I also study the Jewish Qabbalah, Torah, and even the New Testament. I do Bible study a few times a week at the Shepherds Chapel.

    Wisdom about life and understanding our relationship with our Creator is fundamental to finding out our true selves and knowing how we fit into life. Most people don't know their life purpose. I have spent a long time looking for answers, and found none. I have been searching for years. Until ....

    I found the secret of life. Yes I found it.

    No kidding, I really did. And it is not in a Church, it is not in a Priest, it is not in a "glorious warm feeling when you accept Jesus.." nor when you get blessed by a Pastor that you gave money too.

    The Universe is less complicated, but exponentially more than you can comprehend. And the Universe is usually too lazy for coincidence. Yes things happen for a reason.

    I hope this has helped someone out there, somewhere.

    Who is looking to make sense out of all the pages that man wrote and you ha

  • 100% LOVES me and all humans except those who took life from others, those will go to hell.

    I'm muslim, in my religion there isnt any son by god,but i respect to christians thought, god loves all of us no matter .

  • so gos loves me, so should I be happy or what??

  • Is there a God?
    Step one... Take Quiz
    Step two... Believe.

  • 100% cool.I'm a Hindu but I luv Jesus,Allah,Buddha and all other religion's gods and I follow them.So,God love me most!!

  • Heh, 100%
    To bad i'm wiccan :)

  • Soo its ture he acttully loves me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :,)

    die ana
  • Cool God loves me 100%lol.But I want to tell you to remember God doesn't have any son.I am muslim and it is in our bieble.

  • Wow... I am atheist and I got a hundred percent... How does that make sense??

  • Hikaru katsu: yes God is real! He has proven Himself throughout history many times. and btw, if you dont think he's real, whyd you even take this quiz?

    Christs Child

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