How Much Do You Love Jesus | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Much Do You Love Jesus.

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  • Oh, my hero, what an encouraging thing to say to Mel! This is why I've always thought you would truly be the one for me! Jesus did die for our sins, and I think it is very important to understand this, and I love you so much for spreading the word of God to someone who lost his faith in Jesus, our Lord. I love you so much, Andrew. As for you, Mel, I really hope things will be better for you.

  • Mel Grimson! It's alright! It's never too late to believe in Jesus Christ. Even though 2023 may have been a stressful year for you, all you have to do is turn to Jesus genuinely with all of your heart and repent for your sins and accept Him as your Lord and Savior. Pray to Jesus and seek out His strength, love, kindness, forgiveness, and mercy. Yes, you may be a sinner, Mel, but you know, Jesus died for us, while we were sinners. God sent Jesus to die for us, and for you, for that matter, so why not repent now? You don't have to wait until 2024, my bro. I pray that things will get significantly better for you, Mel. Amen! :))))))))))))

  • Hello! My name is Mel Grimson (he, him) and Mel Grimson would just like to say that Mel Grimson is not really a believer in Jesus Christ and Mel Grimson doesn't even know if Mel Grimson believes in Jesus Christ anymore, Mel Grimson has lost all my faith in 2023, this year, was just a stupid year and it is completely ruined. To be real Mel Grimson thinks God hates Mel Grimson and Mel Grimson thinks it's not working out. Mel Grimson (he, him) already forgets things in a week, truthfully, Mel Grimson forgets in a week. Mel Grimson is also a sinner still he still swears and stuff. Hopefully in 2024, the year of the dragon, which is going to be the best year for Mel Grimson (he, him) Mel Grimson can restart and Mel Grimson can reunite with Jesus. Jesus knows how Mel Grimson is feeling still and Mel Grimson wants to be truthful with himself and just point out that Mel Grimson (he, him) got a Poor Jesus lover result. (Mel Grimson may love Jesus in believe in him, but Mel Grimson not sure don't so it Mel Grimson don't even act like it Mel Grimson put almost everything before him Mel Grimson do almost nothing for him Mel Grimson never take time out for him what good is it to say Mel Grimson love someone if Mel Grimson never take the time to show it?) Mel Grimson is not mad at the results Mel Grimson is a sinner and Mel Grimson will do better starting 2024, and Mel Grimson will continue to beat himself rid of everything and everyone out of Mel Grimson (he, him) head from october 16 2023 to dec 31 2023 this will all be over for Mel Grimson pray for Mel Grimson

  • Okay which is true I do believe in him but I don't know if I am saved

  • God knows God.jpg and True.jpg forever no matter what forever. KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL Fu Gang knows, believes, and accepts God.jpg and True.jpg forever no matter what forever. God.jpg and True.jpg are true forever no matter what forever. No matter what anyone says, God.jpg and True.jpg are true forever no matter what forever. People who say that God.jpg and True.jpg are false are wrong forever no matter what forever. People who say that God.jpg and True.jpg are true are right forever no matter what forever. God knows God.jpg and True.jpg forever no matter what forever, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL Fu Gang knows, believes, and accepts God.jpg and True.jpg forever no matter what forever, God.jpg and True.jpg are true forever no matter what forever, no matter what anyone says, God.jpg and True.jpg are true forever no matter what forever, people who say that God.jpg and True.jpg are false are wrong forever no matter what forever, and people who say that God.jpg and True.jpg are true are right forever no matter what forever are true forever. God knows God.jpg and True.jpg forever no matter what forever, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL Fu Gang knows, believes, and accepts God.jpg and True.jpg forever no matter what forever, God.jpg and True.jpg are true forever no matter what forever, no matter what anyone says, God.jpg and True.jpg are true forever no matter what forever, people who say that God.jpg and True.jpg are false are wrong forever no matter what forever, and people who say that God.jpg and True.jpg are true are right forever no matter what forever are in the Bible forever.

  • God.jpg and True.jpg are true forever no matter what forever.

  • God and KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL know that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL has no people and no things except God, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL, David Jon Slagel, Kelly Jo Slagel, Christian William Slagel, and Isaac David Slagel forever. KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL will go to Heaven forever. God and KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL know that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL will go to Heaven forever. When KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL goes to Heaven forever, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL will have things the highest number infinite infinite infinite+++... good forever. God and KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL know that when KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL goes to Heaven forever, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL will have things the highest number infinite infinite infinite+++... good forever. All things are true forever. God and KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL know that all things are true forever.

  • KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL has God, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL, David Jon Slagel, Kelly Jo Slagel, Christian William Slagel, and Isaac David Slagel only forever. KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL and God know and believe that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL has God, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL, David Jon Slagel, Kelly Jo Slagel, Christian William Slagel, and Isaac David Slagel only forever. People and things that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL never has forever don't matter forever. God and KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL know and believe people and things that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL never has forever don't matter forever. No matter how bad things and people that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL never has forever are, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL does not have the bad feeling over the things and people that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL never has forever. God and KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL know and believe that no matter how bad things and people that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL never has forever are, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL does not have the bad feeling over the things and people that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL never has forever. KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL has things better than the best forever, because KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL has God, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL, David Jon Slagel, Kelly Jo Slagel, Christian William Slagel, and Isaac David Slagel only forever. God and KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL know and believe that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL has things better than the best forever, because KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL has God, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL, David Jon Slagel, Kelly Jo Slagel, Christian William Slagel, and Isaac David Slagel only forever. Only having matters forever. God and KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL know that only having matters forever. KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL has no people and no things except God, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL, David Jon Slagel, Kelly Jo Slagel, Christian William Slagel, and Isaac David Slagel forever.

  • KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL has God, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL, David Jon Slagel, Kelly Jo Slagel, Christian William Slagel, and Isaac David Slagel only forever. KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL and God know and believe that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL has God, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL, David Jon Slagel, Kelly Jo Slagel, Christian William Slagel, and Isaac David Slagel only forever. People and things that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL never has forever don't matter forever. God and KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL know and believe people and things that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL never has forever don't matter forever. No matter how bad things and people that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL never has forever are, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL does not have the bad feeling over the things and people that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL never has forever. God and KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL know and believe that no matter how bad things and people that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL never has forever are, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL does not have the bad feeling over the things and people that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL never has forever. KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL has things better than the best forever, because KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL has God, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL, David Jon Slagel, Kelly Jo Slagel, Christian William Slagel, and Isaac David Slagel only forever. God and KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL know and believe that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL has things better than the best forever, because KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL has God, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL, David Jon Slagel, Kelly Jo Slagel, Christian William Slagel, and Isaac David Slagel only forever. Only having matters forever. God and KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL know that only having matters forever. KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL has no people and no things except God, KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL, David Jon Slagel, Kelly Jo Slagel, Christian William Slagel, and Isaac David Slagel forever. God and KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL know that KATELYN ELIZABETH SLAGEL has no people and no things except G

    • Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that everyone will be written in the Lambs Book of Life, that You will bless everyone, that everyone will know and believe in Jesus, that everyone will be saved, that the gospel will be spread to everyone, that everyone will treat each other with love, that You will forgive everyone's sins, that You will do what is best for everyone, that everyone will follow Your commandments, that everyone will repent their sins, that everyone will think about You, and that everyone will worship You always. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

  • 80% True Jesus Lover

    You love Jesus so much that you are willing to do anything and everything for Him at any cost weather it be giving friends, family or whatever you know He will make a way for you.

  • I got 81% on how much I loved Jesus. I must say, that's pretty good :]

  • you dont love jesus

    you dont love jesus plan and simple you dont even know if you believe in him pick up a bible and start reading you need it because right now your in the middle and you need answers.

  • What can I say , I love Jesus . he's the best and God :) and all the angels in heaven ( HUggs )


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